Documentation is the first step towards conservation of cultural heritage. Photography is a key tool. The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the benefits of documenting cultural heritage via scientifically viable methods of photography. It will emphasize cost effectiveness in photo documentation. Photo documentation enables us to understand scale, context, style and elements among other information. It is different from ‘architectural photography’ as the end product will be used for research, conservation, development purposes and production of scaled drawings. Structured photographic techniques will unshackle the limitations of ‘DIY’ enthusiasts. It will present theoretical and practical understanding aimed at an integral training. Participants will understand ways to record spaces with varying levels of accuracy. Upon completion, they should be able to develop a critical understanding of conservation documentation. The workshop topics include (i) Scaled-rectified photography enabling site plan, elevations, street elevations, cross sections, etc., (ii) Macro photography showing details, textures, color, scale, etc., (iii) Panoramic photography illustrating the context, (iv) Introduction to aerial, gigapixel photogrammetry & 3-D scanning. Expenses for Students: Material Cost: Rs 3000/-, Local Travel: Rs 2000/-, Food & Stay: Rs 7000/- plus travel expenses as mentioned.